All My Books Were Channeled From A Higher Consciousness.
Donations Support All Of Marina’s Work And Are Greatly Appreciated. Thank You.

Detailed Book Descriptions
The Harmonic Reactor -(Click Here)
One day I was telepathically told to pick up my pencil and write important metaphysical information for humanity. I was instructed to be only on a juicing diet because of the resonance of the Pleiadians vibration. That is how I channeled the material for The Harmonic Reactor.Â
Topics Discussed: Inter-dimensional traveling. What is consciousness? Future technologies. How we can manipulate the frequencies Hz to make matter and heal ourselves. The algorithm for life quantum computer consciousness.
Nanotechnology - (Click Here)
The Constructive Elements. Nano technology is the particles of the human evolution.
Topics Discussed: Every structure of  the Nano particle is by itself an entire Universe. The Ego structure is lowering your vibrational signal. Nano Technology is Fractal. All of the energetic force is modulating and merging with each other and is changing is own structure like a new structure.
Downloads / Predictions - (Click Here)
This book represents all the messages and downloads that I received from The Council of Nine and the Pleadians.
The Scientific Download - (Click Here)
This book is filled with all the scientific downloads from The Council of Nine and the Pleadians.
Chinese Translations
All of my books below were translated into Chinese by Thomas Taohe

French & Arabic Translation

The Harmonic Reactor

Please Support Marina's Work
Everything From Marina’s Heart Is Donation Based And How She Supports Herself and Family. Please Help Support Marina’s Generous Work By Giving A Donation. Thank You.